EasyLinkPro© by Whitley & Siddons is our new generation Data Processing software FREE to our customers, enabling you to:
- Download your subscription data via EasyLinkPro
- Synchronize feature to update all your data files at once
- View, Filter, Export and Print your data in the format you need
- Live update feature for new versions of the program
- Saves you literally hours of work compared to traditional methods of data access
Demo/Tutorial Page
Bid Quote System
Bid Tab Analysis
You can
DOWNLOAD EasyLinkPro from the data file section after logging into your account.
Downloading Data Screen: notice that files already downloaded are highlighted in yellow for you
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Viewing a TxDot Advance Notice Job Index:
<click image to enlarge>

Filtering your data: below is a filter used to scan your data for jobs with the text "CONC" or the bid item "360" (or "0360"), but to ignore bid items that have the text "CURB", "REMOV", or the bid item starting with "104" (or "0104"). Also note the counties have been restricted to those within certain TxDot districts.
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Printing and Exporting your data:
<click image to enlarge>

Sample Bid Quote:
Easily Quote any bid item on the job. If you have multiple job headers (letterheads) or footers, simply choose the one you need from the options tab. The resulting Quote is extremely flexible in design and look, so you can customize to your liking.
<click image to enlarge>

Bid Quote Options:
<click image to enlarge>

Bid Tab Analysis:
Easylink Pro makes it a snap to assign your bid items into "Groups" and then to analyze your bid tab according to those groups.
<click image to enlarge>

Bid Tab Analysis Summary Page, analyzing two contractors side by side:
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